Tuesday 22 May 2012


"Nuclear energy is the gateway to prosperous future" Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam.
                                                    This signifies the importance of nuclear energy fullfilling the growing needs of growing population.It is predicted that the electricity demand will grow from current 150,000MW to 950,000MW by year 2030.Nuclear energy is defined as the inexhaustible energy derived from the nucleus of an atom.This energy is more powerful then our conventional resources like coal,petroleum etc.According to the report of IAEC(International Atomic Energy Agency) on thorium fuel indicates that india might have the highest reservoir of thorium which is supposed to be the future of nuclear energy instead of uranium and thorium will produce the 8 time more energy then uranium,produce less radioactive waste.So, nuclear energy has a great future in india and for india.
                                                   This energy is new to india but used in the international scenario from the past long time.This energy was found by William Rontgen in 1898,first nuclear plant was opened  in USSR.Most of the prosperous nation extracting about 30-40% of their power from the nuclear power where india is not even generating even 5000MW.Today there are 29 countries operating 441 nuclear power plants with capacity of 375GW,sixty more units with a target of 58GW are under construction.
                                                   But there is still anti nuclear thought prevailing in our mind.what happened in Chernobyl(Mexico) in 1986,what happened in Heroshima and Nagashaki ,what happened in Fukushima forces us  to criticise the use of this energy and in this situation Germany decided to phase out its nuclear programme.So,first we have to clear the doubts of our mind regarding these examples.Firstly,Germany decided to phase out the its nuclear programme  because  Germany has completely exhausted its uranium resources and nuclear energy never fits in the future plan of Germany,while india on the  other hand is the leader of new resource of nuclear fuel called thorium.Secondly,Chernobyl disaster of 1986 showed how much of progress we have achieved in nuclear energy management over a period of two and half decade and it was all because of some human error.Thirdly, in Fukushima there were extraordinary natural forces in action-rare occurence of  tsunami.but we also have to see that there are 3-4 failures of this technology and we cant think of disbanding this process.Moreover the alternative cost of this technology is also very high  .we can use solar energy,wind energy but these are very unpredictable sources of energy.So,we left with fossil fuel for power generation method.IPCC estimated that 26% of emission of carbon dioxide directly due to the generation of electricity.and moreover fossil fuels are fast depleting.

                           In india there are some issues on safety of 2000MW kundakulam nuclear plant.so,for  safety following measures has to be taken.-
1.stuctural integrity safety:structure of plant has been made with the highest safety standards which is made against the tsunami and strong earthquake.in fukushima one of the primary reason for structural collapse was the explosion of hydrogen which got out of control.to counter this kundakulam plant has installed with 154 hydrogen recombiner across the plant which can absorb any leaked hydrogen and prevent any structural damage.
2.thermal hydraulic safety:the most advanced feature in the kundakulam plant is the installation of passive heat  removal system,which is the latest technology to ensure that the rapid cooling of reactor.
3.nuclear safety:in the nuclear plant the most inportant cause  of failure can be the loss of ability to control rods.beside this ,kundakulam plant implemented latest technology in domain-the core catcher.this is basically an  underlying structure with Gadolium oxide which could "catch the neutron" in case of high meltdown.
4.waste management:this is myth that nuclear waste is dumped in to oceans and which kill the marine life and contaminates the water.now recycle technique is used which completely dissolve the waste.
                                             So,we just have to change our antinuclear mind and overwhelmly welcome the new era of power  generation i.e. nuclear energy.which would help us to become energy sufficient ,reduce the CO2 emission,fullfill our  energy demands.Nuclear energy is the gateway of our prosperity.

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